Artificial Intelligence Project



Smart image galery Smart image galery

Screenshots from iOS Photo app and Adobe Lightroom

We want to create a smart image gallery. Your image galery should have the following features: Automatic detection of persons and possibly animals. Identifying a person and being capable of detecting all occurrences of a specific person accross images, being able to filter by person.

This project is multidisciplinary, you will leverage your knowledge of machine learning, learn new techniques, and also use your knowledge of programming, web development, and ergonomics.



You can use any tools you want, both for the web and for the machine learning parts. You can use any programming language, any existing dataset you can find online, any pre-trained machine learning model (do not forget to cite your sources).

One component of the project should include a machine learning model that you have trained.

The report should contain the full technical explanation of the different machine learning techniques that you will use. It should follow this structure: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion.



The project should be done in groups of 2 or 3 students. The report, presentation, and sources should be uploaded to claco.

The evaluation is separated into 3 parts:


As a group, you prepare a 15-minute presentation to be presented on December 20. For the presentation: present your solution, justify your choices, present your results, and make a demonstration of your app (with possible limitations?).

The presentation will be followed by 15 minutes of questions.